Coder Kids Showcases

For information about Coder Kids classes and camps, including online coding and gaming topics, visit

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Coder Kids Showcase Time!

So, what exactly is a Coder Kids showcase? Why do we have them? What happens? When are they? I’ll give you all the important facts in this blog post!

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What is a Coder Kids Showcase? Why do we have them?

The Coder Kids Showcase at the end of the semester (or session for Summer Camps), is a time for the students to show what they have learned and created to their parents! We love having showcases for a couple of reasons:

  1. Showcases boost the sense of accomplishment that the students feel because they can show off all of their hard work on the cool projects they made throughout the semester.

  2. Showcases allow parents to see their kids in action! They can see all of their projects, watch them interact with other students and instructors, and get to see all of the neat coding things they’ve learned this semester.


What happens during a showcase?

Showcases typically go for about 30 minutes. First, the instructor will describe what skills were learned during the semester and talk about some of the projects the kids worked on. Next, there will be a presentation of about 5 different projects from students who want to share their work. Instructors will also distribute certificates to all of the students. After this, parents (and other friends and family who have come) are free to mingle and learn from the kids. Often, students will want to show you all of their projects and/or an in-depth look at the coding they did for their projects. This is a great time to ask them about what they learned, since they can show it to you right there!


When are the showcases?

You will receive an email(s) from the class instructor and/or the Coder Kids Operations Manager about the dates and times for the showcases about 2 weeks before the showcase occurs. In some cases, the school or after school program will email parents notifying them of the showcase. If there are any special instructions about check-in or parking, they will be included in this email. If you are curious about when your child’s showcase is, don’t hesitate to ask their instructor!

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We love student showcases! It really is one of our favorite times of the year! We love having parents there to see what we’ve been teaching the kids! It’s great to see the kids excited about what they’ve learned and see the pride they feel when they get to show off projects they’ve worked really hard on!

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